A brand new food and drink festival ‘The Ginger and Spice Festival’ celebrating the culinary, heritage and historical links of spices, food and gingerbread, to the town of Market Drayton, Shropshire, will be taking place from Wednesday 27th September to Saturday 30th September 2017 for the first time.
The festival will showcase well known Shropshire chefs, James Sherwin of Wild-Shropshire and Chris Burt of the Mytton and Mermaid plus Spice Queen, Lajina Masala. Comedian Chef, George Egg, will be performing his self-out show DIY Chef and musician, Heidi Browne, will be entertaining the crowds with her jazz folk.
On Saturday 30th September, the main event is the ‘The Spice Exchange Market’, taking place from 10am to 4pm in the historic centre of the town (and beer garden of the Clive & Coffyne pub)
Food and drinks lovers can enjoy a selection of spicy treats from artisan food producers selling items such as jams, pickles, spiced teas, cured meats, exotic street food and more. For families there will be face painting and educational crafts, plus, a Spice Trail around the town, which takes visitors on a culinary journey of discovery, including a prize draw to win two nights’ accommodation at Le gîte Piscénois in ‘Pezenas’ the French town twinned with Market Drayton. Chef James Sherwin will also be leading a wild foraging trail around the town.

The Ginger and Spice Festival will include satellite events taking place every evening from Wednesday 27th September to Friday 29th September. Market Drayton has a tremendous food heritage and a strong historical connection with the early spice trade routes via Clive of India. For more information about this event and to book tickets, please go to the website: www.gingerandspicefest.co.uk